
Emergent Systems Laboratory's research paper received the 5th Outstanding Research and Technology Award from the Robotics Society of Japan

Emergent Systems Laboratory’s research paper received the 5th Outstanding Research and Technology Award from the Robotics Society of Japan. It is an open-access and we hope you enjoy reading it.

The news of this award is published in the Journal of the Robotics Society of Japan, Robogaku Vol. 42 (November 2024), page 17.


Published Articles:萩原良信, 長谷川翔一, 大山瑛, 谷口彰, エルハフィロトフィ, 谷口忠大. 「現場環境で学習した知識に基づく曖昧な発話からの生活物理支援タスク」, 第41回日本ロボット学会学術講演会(RSJ2023), 2023.