
we’re announcing the final result of WRS2020

It’s with great pleasure that we’re announcing the final result of WRS.

Service Category, Future Convenience Store Challenge
Team NAIST-RITS-Panasonic (Nara Inst. of Sci. and Tech., Ritsumeikan Univ, Panasonic Corp.), supervised by our Research Associate Professor Garcia Ricardez Gustavo Alfonso won

• 1st Place of Restock & Disposal Task, awarded by NEDO
• 1st Place of Restroom Cleaning Task, awarded by NEDO
• Overall Winner of Future Convenience Store Challenge, awarded by METI

The exhibition of AMIS and ANTIS reaching almost perfect scores back to back on the final day of the competition will go down history. Please watch it from 0:38:18 to 1:34:01 at https://youtu.be/af8bbm8xF90?t=2298
Collectively, our laboratory members, regular or invited, obtained 6 WRS awards in multiple categories and tasks. This is a truly exceptional result. (Including the 2021 OpenCV AI Competition Regional Prize.)

Service Category, Partner Robot Challenge
Team OIT-RITS (Osaka Inst. of Tech., Ritsumeikan Univ.), supervised by our lecturer Yoshinobu Hagiwara received
• 3rd Place of Partner Robot Challenge (Real Space), awarded by WRS

Industrial Category, Assembly Challenge
Team O2AC (Omron Corp., Osaka Univ., AIST, Chukyo Univ.), supervised by our visiting researcher Dr. von Drigalski Wolf Hans Erich Felix received
• 3rd Place of Assembly Challenge, awarded by WRS
• JSAI Award, awarded by JSAI

The results of the competition can also be found on the competition website.

We believe that this achievement is the result of inter-laboratory collaboration, with participation from the Interaction Laboratory and the Acoustics and Signal Processing Laboratory. Thank you very much for your cooperation.